Terms & Conditions of Sale

Our Promise to You

Dear Client,

Thank you for enquiring and/or engaging with Ace Fire & Security Systems Ltd (ACE) for the provision of an Installation and/or a Service Agreement. It is our promise to you that we will work hard to provide you with the very best Installation and/or Service and to meet, or exceed, your expectations in terms of professionalism, quality and timeliness.

Signed and authorised: Darren Gibbons, Managing Director, ACE.

It is necessary that we set out the detail of what we expect from each other during our work with you to avoid any misunderstandings. Consequently, we have set out below, the General Terms and Conditions that will govern our work with you. The specific details of our work and supplies will be found in your detailed quotation and order confirmation.

General Terms and Conditions

1.1 Who are we? We are Ace Fire & Security Systems Ltd, Company Registration number 03250106. Our Head Office is at 1a St Martins Business Centre, Cambridge Road, MK42 0LF, Tel. 01234 854455. Our Registered Office is at the same address.

1.2 Who are you? You are our Client (The Client) as addressed in our quotation. You may be a private individual(s) or a corporate body.

1.3 Together we are the only parties to this Agreement and consequently we have commitments and responsibilities to each other.

2.0 Our responsibilities;

2.1 To deliver the goods and/or services described in our quotation and confirmation and use our best endeavours to meet the times indicated. Our work, unless otherwise agreed, will be carried out between 8am and 5pm on Monday through Friday. If, for any reason we are delayed we will keep you (the Client) informed but cannot be held responsible for that delay if it is beyond our reasonable control.

2.2 To work in a safe manner and comply with all relevant Health and Safety Regulations and Laws, and to respect any particular safety guidance you may wish to give ACE.

2.3 To work in a respectful and polite manner and not to exercise any prejudice or discrimination of any kind to you, your staff, your family or associates.

2.4 To inspect the work and provide a report at which time the work will be deemed to be complete.

3.0 Your responsibilities;

3.1 To give clear, safe and reasonable access to your site to allow ACE to do its work.

3.2 To have obtained all necessary permissions, conditions and consents to allow ACE to carry out its responsibilities. The cost of obtaining such will the responsibility of The Client.

3.3 To provide a mains electricity point, where required and installed to legal standards.

3.4 To identify and make ACE aware of any particular Health and Safety site issues prior to works commencing eg, structural issues, the presence of asbestos or any other hazardous materials, trip or fall hazards, electrical or gas service routes.

3.5 To conduct yourself and others on site in a safe manner and to do nothing to prejudice the safety of ACE representatives.

3.6 To conduct yourself and others on site in a respectful and polite manner and not to exercise any prejudice or discrimination of any kind to ACE representatives.

3.7 To inspect and sign your approval of ACE’s work

3.8 To pay ACE in line with the agreed payment terms as per our quotation.

4.0 Service Agreements. If this agreement covers the service and maintenance of your equipment the following shall also apply;

4.1 Contract Period. Unless otherwise stated the contract period shall be for a minimum of 36 months from the date of the Agreement and thereafter shall be continuous, only to be terminated by either party giving three months notice in writing to the other party.

4.3 The number and nature of the visits in any contract year will be as stated in the specific details of the quotation or confirmation. Where appropriate service visits may be carried out remotely by ACE representatives.

4.3 ACE will provide contract cover 24/7/365 for urgent calls out via our Alarm Receiving Centre, details of which will be placed on your site.

4.4 If this agreement covers a Fully Comprehensive Service Agreement then all labour and materials will be supplied at no additional cost to The Client provided that any defect is the result of fair wear and tear, but will exclude damage that has been caused by the ingress of water or other materials, hazardous substances, fire, structural defect, war, civil unrest, negligence or malicious damage, lightning strikes or any other cause beyond our control. Due to nature of the electronic componentry contained within Fire and Security products, our fully comprehensive service agreements are subject to your Installation being under 10 years old (Major components – eg Control Panels, Servers and the like).

4.5 Unless otherwise stipulated in the specific terms of the quotation or Service Level Agreement, where this exists, ACE will use its best endeavours to respond immediately and to attend site in a time agreed at the time of the response contact.

4.6 During the course of the contract, ACE reserves the right to increase the annual charge each year at a rate no greater than the rolling 12 month average Retail Price Index plus 2.5%

5.0 Our Guarantee. For a period of 12 months following the completion of any works, be it service or installation, ACE will rectify any defective goods or workmanship completely free of charge unless that defect is caused by any external influence such the ingress of water or other materials, hazardous substances, fire, structural defect, war, civil unrest, negligence or malicious damage, lightning strikes, or any other cause beyond our control. This guarantee is only valid provided the equipment is operated and maintained as specified by the manufacturer.

6.0 Our Liability. ACE accepts liability for any defective goods, workmanship, its negligence and any activity of its staff on the Client’s site subject to a maximum of ten times the value stated in this Agreement or £ 250,000 whichever is the lower sum.

7.0 Additional Works and Variations. The Client will be responsible for payment for any additional work or variation in specification. If possible, ACE will provide a quotation for any such additional works or variation and seek the clients permission and instruction to proceed. In the event that such additional works or variations are urgently necessary either to circumvent delays or for Health and Safety reasons then ACE may, at its sole discretion, carry out such works at The Client’s expense.

8.0 Retention of Title. Any goods or equipment supplied by ACE will remain the property of ACE until the Client has paid for it in full. ACE, shall be permitted access to the site by The Client to remove any such equipment that remains the subject of non-payment.

9.0 Assignment. This Agreement is between The Client and ACE only. It may not be assigned by the Client to any other party except with ACE’s written approval.

10.0 Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.